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(661) 383-9828

Elbow Injury Physical Therapy in Santa Clarita and Saugus

Helping Athletes and Individuals Recover From Elbow Injuries in the Santa Clarita Valley

Elbow injuries are a common problem for athletes and everyday individuals. The repetitive strain, overextension, and overuse of this critical joint can cause crippling pain. An elbow injury can make it difficult to return to a sport or complete routine activities without proper rehabilitation.

At Next Level Physical Therapy & Athletic Performance, we help athletes and individuals recover from elbow injuries in Santa Clarita and Saugus. Whether you have just had surgery or have suffered through years of discomfort, our team can help.

Our highly-trained, professionally licensed staff focuses on your specific health needs and goals, ensuring you can reach your fullest potential after injury.

If an elbow injury prevents you from living a pain-free life, contact our office at (661) 383-9828.

Elbow Injury Conditions We Treat

We treat almost all elbow disorders, fractures, ligament injuries, and elbow nerve damage. 

Common elbow conditions we treat include:

  • Contractures due to post-fracture-injury
  • Ligament Tears
  • Bursitis
  • Golfer’s / Tennis Elbow
  • Radial Fractures
  • Ulnar Nerve Repositioning Surgery
  • Little League Elbow / Throwers elbow

Elbow injuries can cause extreme pain and discomfort. Depending on the type of injury, it may also limit your mobility or cause inflammation. Elbow injuries can be tricky because the elbow is a fluid-filled hinge joint that connects the three arm bones. Damage or inflammation of the elbow can affect muscles, ligaments, nerves, and tissues.

How Can Physical Therapy Help an Elbow Injury?

Physical therapy can help people suffering from elbow injuries in several ways. One primary benefit of working with a physical therapist and wellness team is that they can help prevent the injury from reoccurring.

Treatment at Next Level can also help individuals and athletes to:

  • Restore full mobility
  • Reduce or eliminate pain and discomfort
  • Increase motion
  • Restore strength
  • Improve flexibility 
  • Control inflammation

Elbow injuries tend to respond well to strength training and physical therapy. At Next Level, we take a whole-body approach to rehabilitation and wellness, focusing on the big picture. Ultimately, we aim to help you do what you love without fearing pain or discomfort.

Contact Us to Discuss Your Elbow Injury

If you have suffered an elbow injury, contact our Santa Clarita and Saugus office to discuss an individualized treatment plan. Call (661) 383-9828 to speak with a knowledgeable team member who will help you get on the road to recovery.

Elbow injuries can happen to anyone, from elite athletes to office workers. At Next Level, we specialize in treating orthopedic injuries. Let our staff help you return to the game and take your sport and life to the next level.

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